Having a website simply isn’t enough for your business. You need to ensure that you do enough to get it ranked in the top page to get some traction from your target audience because hardly anyone ever goes through more than one Google page when searching for a particular topic on the Internet. A good website structure will be rewarded with higher digital marketing and SEO rankings because it enhances the user experience. Ultimately, a website that is more attractive to readers will also be more attractive to Google and other search engines. Here are some ways to structure your website for boosting SEO and your online marketing:

Develop A Clear Structure For Every Web Page

If you’re starting from the beginning or even re-developing an existing website, you need to pay close attention to your web page structure for better marketing online. One of the easiest way is to hire a digital marketing agency or you can do it by yourself! It’s not difficult! You can use an Excel sheet or even a plain chalkboard to develop a clear structure. A website structure can benefit you in several ways:

  • Allows you to better organise content with a simple and logical flow between web pages.
  • Enables users to better navigate through your website with a clear hierarchy.
  • Gives you the opportunity to plan your categories and sub-categories to reduce complexity and improve flow for readers.
  • Allows you to plan a clear URL structure that follows your website structure hierarchy.

Once you’re able to create a clear overall structure for every web page on your site, you’ll be in an easier position to plan what your content should look like. It helps you narrow down how much information you’ll need to include based on how you intend to structure your site.

Don’t Overdo The Number Of Categories And Sub-Categories

While it’s tempting to add several categories on your website, keep in mind that people simply don’t have enough time to navigate through a flurry of information. Keep it simple if you want to retain reader interest on your website for better digital marketing and SEO. Consider the following:

  • The main header should sum up all your main web pages without being too long or text heavy.
  • Only add categories that make sense and don’t add too many elements that can distract readers.
  • Avoid navigation buttons based on images as they may confuse readers – appropriate anchor text is best from digital marketing perspective.

At the end of the day, it’s important to be precise with your information while avoiding the fluff. Users don’t want to read everything that has to do with your business. They want the important information that will add value to their lives. Sometimes, less is more so keep the number of categories and sub-categories in check for your website.

Make Sure You Use Internal Linking Effectively


When you use internal links within your website to help users navigate from one web page to another, you’ll be in a stronger position to retain them for a longer period – a big tick when you’re looking to enhance SEO rankings. Internal links can benefit you in a variety of ways:

  • They give users a more structured way to navigate through a website with clear information.
  • They help you better organise your information without creating too many distractions.
  • They enable you to spread page ranking power around different web pages for search engines.
  • They show Google and other search engines how important your pages are, while demonstrating how to navigate there.
  • They give different sections of your content a common connection – viewed favourably by search engines.
  • They can help to push up views of internal pages that may have been overlooked previously because users didn’t know how to get there.

Internal linking isn’t overly difficult. You simply want to ensure that every web page on your site offers a link to another page – allowing readers to sift through the varied information you offer in an organised and structured manner. More internal links will help you with better SEO over time.

To sum up, a clear website structure must be carefully planned with proper organisation and design to be effective. Good website organisation and structuring will help you with better success from an online marketing perspective. Boosted SEO will ultimately help you reach out to a whole new range of online users that could be converted into genuine customers for your long-term business benefit.